“It’s just one more, I can handle it” “I just need to get through this day” Not being in control is hard, denial is even harder because the broken pieces left to be cleaned up afterwards can be overwhelming. A habit is a learned and ingrained association between a stimulus (or incentive) and a response…
Category: Clinical Hypnotherapy (Page 1 of 2)

Each one of us will experience and express our grief uniquely and in our own time Whenever we receive difficult news, we go through a psychological process to adjust to the change… Whether it’s the loss or terminal sickness of a loved one or a forced change of life circumstances, adapting to the new normal…

Growing up is meant to be one of the very best times in anyone’s life, but it can also be tough. Our childhood has a profound effect on the adults we become. Challenges Facing Children and Young People Today: Bullying Expectations and Peer Pressure Fears and Trauma Happiness is all the Rage Natural Hierarchies are no…

Over the last six months, we have seen drastic changes to the way we live and operate. What was imagined as previously impossible has all of a sudden became the “new normal”. On an hourly and daily basis we saw and heard grim updates on the most recent data. Many lost loved ones far…

The family unit has often been described as the cornerstone of every strong civilization. As every great society declined, erosion of the family unit was identified as being one of the key reasons. The family is the most important social unit of society. This is a fact that everyone must learn. The family is not only the basic…

Every health issue, every dis-ease has an emotional connection. Once the emotional cause behind the dis-ease can be identified, self-work can begin to naturally heal the emotional cause. For more evidenced-based data on the benefits that hypnosis can have in the area of fertility, see below: European Society of Anaesthesiology Psychology Today The Wellness Institute Foundational BirthingTM…

What the mind does not heal, the body turns into dis-ease. – Anonymous Keep a grasp on your life by living in the present The past is gone and the future has not yet arrived By living your life one day at a time, you live your life to its fullest. – Anonymous When…

The word “menopause” simply refers to the permanent end of menstruation and the fertility cycle in a woman’s life. It is derived from the Greek words for ‘month’ (men) and ‘cessation’ (pausis). Menopause is not an illness. It is a natural transition in a woman’s life that results from a decrease in the ovarian production of sex…

When you hear the word menopause, your thoughts most likely go to women. However, the reality is that men can be affected by their own type of menopause, or andropause, as well. Male menopause doesn’t cause the same symptoms as it does in women. Men affected by it won’t suffer from hot flashes or…

As a complimentary therapy, hypnosis addresses the mind-body connection of chronic pain, personal trauma and physical illness. When we feel better, we heal better - Dan Cleary Hypnosis is endorsed by the Canadian Cancer Society See also the following articles regarding the efficacy of pain management through the use of hypnosis: 2018 Euroanaesthesia Conference – hypnosis in…